泽地萃卦婚姻 周易64卦预测术八卦解读

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泽地萃卦婚姻 周易64卦预测术八卦解读

周易64卦预测术八卦(太准了,眼珠子差点被震掉)方法:用一元元(硬币),随意抛向空中,看国徽是否朝上当它撞到地面时,或字面朝下。如果国徽朝上,就是阳线,在纸上画一个圆圈;如果是字面朝上,就是一条阴线,纸上画了一个叉子。这样连续抛六次,或者从右向左画六次圆形或叉子,就是一个卦。对应下面的六十四卦,可以自己找“吉凶”。千宫八卦:1、圈圈圈圈圈圈:是千卦。 [干]谁是健康的。刚强挺拔,困龙得水,困深渊无法舒展,顿时天下大雨,雷霆升腾,随意腾飞,是轮回的征兆。曰:“万事皆乐,师见乐,祸不成恶,万事顺。”破:身体健康,正直,长期处于逆境中,立即有用,吉祥物会上升。 2、圆圆圆圆叉:是姤卦。结识国外的朋友。 【姤】相见者,不期而遇,路人久困在外,无亲无亲,偶遇朋友相亲相爱,很得意,时过境迁,贫穷不愿出国,难过和寂寞到今天,时光荏苒,遇见知音,谈心自在。说:你很高兴在异国他乡认识朋友,你要知道好运和好运会加分。破:交易成功,公事公道,丢的能找到,出门就能找到快乐。 3、圆圆圆叉:是卦。厚厚的云层遮住了太阳。 【逃】,避。无路可逃,有一幅浓云遮日的画面,遮日的云消失了,正午正午的太阳照耀着,天上亮着,忽然,浓云遮住了光,而一切都失败了。

说:乌云密布,遮天蔽日,我劝你不要远行,婚姻财运不顺,谨防是非对门。断:月单不好,难看亏,贸易伙伴,一切都平淡无奇。 4、圆圆叉叉:无卦。老虎掉进了坑里。 [没有],插头也是。被阻止。比如老虎掉到深坑里,老虎下山去觅食,但是有人挖了一个深坑,老虎下山的时候,总会有一种无法伸张的威严。说:猎人挖了一个很深的坑,一只老虎就要进坑了。断:失而复得,交易不定,婚姻不顺,不可掉以轻心。 5、圆、叉、叉:风土观卦。 【观察】亦为人所仰慕,故有旱莲得水之意象。一池荷花,干枯时,池干花干,花不茂盛。突然,大雨倾盆,鲜花盛开。占此卦的人,会得到贵人的帮助。象:事业之莲花出水,旱天不如从前。好在水来的时候互相浇灌,枝叶繁茂,花朵更红。段:在这个卦里,有水倒莲花,有很多商业交易的兴趣。婚姻有人帮你,你出门永远不会受折磨。当你迷路时,你可以看到你的舌头是分散的,所有的疾病都被大家消除了。 6、 Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha大象:喜鹊深夜进入森林,不想先看到莺。莺见小鹊心怀恶意,舌尖不轻。段:影缺和林不和,占卦的太琐碎了。 7、圈叉圈叉:火地金瓜。为黄金锄头。 【晋】,入也。进则进有利于进,于是就有了锄地取金的形象,就是一个农民锄地抱脊,很辛苦,天天锄地锄金,也是一种转身的迹象。

大象:农夫在地里锄草。谁知有钱有金找人,锄头锄金,这运气也算好。段:锄地怎么得到金卦,占者相见欢喜,想做事赚钱时欢喜,婚姻成病,病消舌尖消散,见官有理,行人必到,出则乐。 8、圈叉圈圈圈圈圈:霍天有很多卦。砍伐树木,感受麻雀。 【大有】都是大的。因此,有砍树摸麻雀的预兆。是因为一个人无意中看到树上有一窝鸟,想上去摸一摸,怕它晃晃悠悠,就把树砍倒了,牢牢地握住了。占此卦的人,是安定之兆。象:这个卦有很多优点。砍一棵大树,摸一只老鸟,你就牢牢地抓住它,别人碰不到它。分手:砍树摸麻雀是监狱,对错话自然会消失,婚姻和伴侣不会努力,如果你问迷路不逃跑,如果你什么都不做,你只能在坚定的时候开始,并且可以要求对方的利益。苍公八卦:从水底捞月。 【坎】被困者。临产无功,故有水底捉月之意象。井中,一轮明月照入水中。这是非常真实的。有一个人来水里钓鱼。如果他得到了这个卦,那就是他努力了,没有成功的征兆。象:明月照水,只见影子不见,傻子下山捞钱,一无所获。破:水里明月钓不到,运气不高,交易旅游难以盈利,迷路行人无声消费。不求名,病未愈,婚姻不顺,伴侣不利。 10、叉圈叉圈圈:水则节卦。斩杀诸神。 【节】人是有限的,也是唯一的。因此,就有了斩将封神的形象。姜太公灭了纣王后,鬼神齐出,到时候姜太公转身,登台开光,他就高兴了。

诊断:太公不平凡,求财不难,贸易伙伴有福,疾病消除。月统帅实力强大,名声在外,失信于公事也无妨。 11、叉圈,叉圈,叉圈:水雷吞卦。无头乱。一阵风吹来,丝丝被撕碎,左右撕裂找不到头。占此卦者,颠倒迷惑。象:风乱,线不见。当你忙于你的业务时,你会暂时剪掉它,慢慢推它。断:换钱没用,求物看心不顺,病重,婚姻不幸福,口齿不清,上金榜。 【集集】是一成事。大象:金榜上的名字,不负当年之窗的功劳。人遇此卦,运势大吉,万事望财主。破:金榜题名喜庆新意,求财成亲,如今顺利交上,一步步登高,成就了自己的心。月令好,找人时能找到人,迷路时能找到人,舌头消失。 13、叉圈圈圈叉圈:泽火哥卦。干燥的幼苗会下雨。 【革】,变也。厄运转吉祥,故有枯苗得雨之意象。春苗久旱,夏无雨,苗干,幸成云,雨满时,苗繁茂。占这个卦的人来来去去。象:干苗繁盛,交易与求财同好,姻缘圆满,官司疾病无害。破碎:苗在干燥的天气逐渐减少。幸运的是,雨是从天上来的。当烦恼消失时,喜悦就会改变。求财求财会让你快乐。出门时喜出望外,迷路时能找到,行人来信全是巧合。 14、叉圈圈叉圈:雷火风刮。 【风】为大,随光而动,故有古镜重光之象,如古镜多年,久不甚亮,忽遇一工匠将它磨尖,它非常明亮。是时候行动了。

象:古镜已暗多年,一旦戴如满月,君子有事做事时,喜气洋洋。破:古镜显明明,主人眼中吉祥,姻缘求财运,失者不远,行运利,交易大,病好,这个名字将被实现。 15、叉、叉、叉、叉:地火冥一卦。过河拆桥。 [明仪]受伤的人也受伤了,伤势明显。于是就有了过河拆桥的意象。这就像架起一座桥,和一个人过河。你不希望人先过去,你就会把桥拆了,你将无法前进。大象:施承运忙着修桥,匆匆过河拆桥。破:过河拆桥是件麻烦事,处理旅行是灾难性的,要钱和空间是费力的,婚姻和合伙是不平等的。行人未到,线索未定,应避之不及,万事不稳。 16、叉、叉、叉、圈、叉:地水大师卦。马到成功。 【老师】众生战无敌。因此,有成功的迹象。像将军,奉命击退土匪,闯入大营,大获全胜。这个卦是一切事物成功的标志。象:将军奉命出征,骑着大马弓,百步精准穿射,箭落欢喜。段:马的成功是幸福的泽地萃卦婚姻,对名利的追求很大,婚姻和伙伴关系没有阻碍,交易旅行也很顺利。病情很好,失物招领,行人来信,一切都是巧合。玄宫八卦:17、圈叉圈叉:玄是山卦。 【创】者,止也,止极不进也。因此,就有了矮枣的形象。矮人想吃枣,就走到树下,可是树高,人矮,急得抓不住。

占这个卦的人急,不顺利。大象:财富和丝绸一直在我心中,但我讨厌它们很难在我的眼前得到。还是暂时忍一忍吧,忙了就别说了。破:矮枣难求,做生意的人不投机,苦求财位,婚姻合伙总是空虚。行人未到,线索不实,避而不谈,万事小心。 18、圈叉圈叉圈:山火本卦。喜出望外。 【本】为饰,物有饰,故有喜门之象。象:轮到吉祥轮回,贤人君子求,大吉庆钟鼓,喜相逢。段:卦凤机运气不错,就算有恶,配偶也越来越好,生意和财力也一天比一天增加。行运吉祥,万事如意,失物可见,月强。 19、圈叉圈圈圈:山天大兽卦。战斗正在进行中。象:忧愁常皱眉,忧虑万事。从此,开启阵法,为所欲为,畅所欲言。破:此卦占六螺旋,病渐磨舌,姻缘圆满,求财无误。好运,行人有信,出门好运,百事顺顺利。 20、圆叉和圆叉:山泽损失卦。推车掉了一只耳朵。 [损失] 减之,损内利外,如车夫推车下坡,不料中途坠耳,左图:推车难耳,心无计,君子占据此微卦,纵然无灾无贫。 :我没有足够的时间担心运气。就像被推车折磨,在崎岖的山路上从耳朵上掉下来,左右压不下来。运势不及时,别傻了,换季换月,顺其自然。


21、圈叉圈叉圈圈:火泽聚卦。 【览】 逆行者,性情相敌。象:猪羊卖不成功,就像太公做生意一样,猪羊卖得快,晚卖,猪羊不准宰杀。破:猪羊买卖不成功,卦见此人不归,交易不顺,姻缘不成,名声不好,利得不全,病入膏肓不好,做事难。 22、圈圈圈叉圈圈:天泽路卦。凤鸣岐山。 【足球】蹲着的人也蹲着没有进入,所以有凤凰唱岐山的形象。象:凤降西岐山,先贤三吟,天降文王开基,富贵荣华八百年。爆料:冯洛奇山四处奔走,趁着每一次相遇的大吉大利,都有失联的消息,生意伙伴也很多。远行有益,求财必准,诸病除,万事安。 23、圈圈叉圈圈:丰泽中服卦。英俊的鸟儿从笼子里出来了。 【福】是一个信奉天道的人,信奉天道,所以有一个俊美的鸟出笼子的形象。大象:幸好英俊的鸟儿从笼子里逃了出来,展现了它在灾难中的威严,直上蓝天,它可以去任何地方。破:君鸟乘机出笼,月色劫难逃,寻人逃亡为好,官司病疾无命,合伙好,迁徙好,生意兴隆,财源滚滚被视为。 24、圆与圆与叉:风与山渐卦。走在薄冰上。 【渐】,入也。因此,就有了如履薄冰的形象。就像一个人过河,没有桥,走在冰上,却不想走在中间,冰很薄,他的心真的很害怕。大象:路上的行人正值隆冬,过河无桥,如履薄冰,小心翼翼过得去,却一错步落水。

结论:行人在冰上行走怕薄冰,交易和出行需要多想,夫妻要大意,官司要和解。薄冰很危险,但行人都是男人。君子占此卦,凡事慎重。甄公八卦:25、叉圈叉圈:甄是雷霆卦。海军部在夜间罢工。 Shock],动作也很震撼,于是就有了金钟在夜间敲击的画面。一个金钟埋了很久,突然有一天它冲了出来,又高高挂起。它在晚上响起,声音很大。占这个卦的人,预示一切都会成功。大象:一个金铃在泥里泽地萃卦婚姻 周易64卦预测术八卦解读,大家都把它当成顽石。忽然,太阳钟高悬,世人皆知。段:当占领者在这里敲响金钟时,时间就来了,有声响,很容易求财,交易很成功。如果你追求名利,乘虚而入,用心做事,迷失了方向,自然会有声音。 26、叉又圈,叉又叉:雷帝玉卦。青龙胜。喻】谁,乐也。人们幸福安宁,于是就有了青龙登基的形象。象:太公插杏黄旗,收魔为弟子,归齐。从此,青龙夺取了王位,一切都会顺风顺水。断:青龙得水喜重生,谋财运,婚游无碍。对与错的方言都心安理得。交易成功,行人归来,即可获得收藏泽地萃卦婚姻 周易64卦预测术八卦解读,合伙无害。 27、叉、叉、叉、叉、叉:雷邪卦。五道屏障难逃。 【解决方法】分散困难。困难解决了,所以有五个摆脱困境的迹象。大象:下个月会让你过关,你会承受无尽的艰辛和磨难,但会有人来救你,你想怎么过都可以。破:五门难开,劝你求财,出游时有人相助,也不必担心自己的病痛。婚姻很好,行人来得早,愿望成真,一切都是偶然发生的。

28、叉、圈、圈、叉:雷锋横卦。大象:渔夫很幸运能找到鱼。鱼一上网就逃不掉了。其他人努力,他们不能来。谁知道呢,他们来的时候是巧合。段:鱼来网,音乐自然。瓜站行人快速返回,交易完成。巧合的是,这次旅行很好,如果你生病了,你会痊愈的。舌头虽然没有了,但自然会消失。 29、叉、叉、圈、叉:地风起卦。一天比一天高涨。 【上升】是前进的意思,似乎在上升,所以有一天天上升的形象。象:书生来占,必得名,生意兴隆。工匠和工匠交易良好,农民和农民获得丰收。休息:天气一天比一天高,有行人走失的消息,聪明的名字行进心好,病舌皆根除。求财在手,求成功,找人看,一家人安宁。 30、叉圈叉圈叉:水风经卦。干井春天。 【嗯】,穴位也开了。水从井里流出。故有干井生泉之意象。大象:枯井荒废多年,一泉涌出淡水,孕育万物,堪称美丽,及时快乐地奔跑。破:枯井生泉,福禄家,名声大噪。过去虽然繁华,但看了之后自然会发展。精神渐爽,财运日增,进出皆吉祥,白事兴旺。 31、叉圈圈圈叉:泽峰大于卦。夜梦钱。 [大于]谁是灾难。二阴太重,夜有钱梦。大象:晚上醒来是空空如也,醒来时总是一无所有,我现在只是在尽我的本分,思考只是空虚的劳动。破:金银夜梦醒空,名利难求,姻缘难成,迷失的人不见踪影。月序不和谐泽地萃卦婚姻,与此无关。对所有事情要有耐心,不要去想它。


32、叉圈叉圈:扎雷丝·苏加。把推车推开。大象:这几年我一直在泥泞中行走,马车就在我眼前。现在是时候更加努力工作,致富了。断:大车靠事业和路,容易求财,婚姻和合伙没有障碍,疾病是安全的。苦涩生荣耀,喜乐满怀,万事如意,不走形。 64 卦算命好准,眼睛都差点惊掉了(下) 开始卦的方法在上半部分,看完后半部分你就知道怎样开始卦了。坤宫八卦:33、嚓嚓嚓嚓嚓嚓嚓嚓嚓嚓嚓嚓嚓嚓嚓嚓嚓嚓嚓嚓嚓嚓嚓嚓嚓嚓嚓嚓嚓嚳嚓嚓嚓嚓嚓:坤是地卦。饥饿的老虎得到食物。 【坤】,舜也。内外清阴柔顺,故有饿虎得食之意象。象:一群肥羊入山,饿虎欢喜张口,食宜充饥心。歇:饿虎吃喜,求名考,师高举,出吉祥行人到。对与错无关紧要。找人看,迷路,有信仰,病愈,一切顺利。 34、叉叉叉叉叉叉叉叉叉叉:我的逆卦。夫妻俩反目成仇。 【答】反者也。迭代。因此,夫妻之间是有关系的。象:马太公不合,入族犹豫。因人无义无怨,地上一片动乱。破:夫妻不和,八卦未成,官司惊恐,财帛散,问家不安。今朝不吉,心意不足,节期改月,自然安宁。 35、叉叉叉圈,地泽林卦。治世人。象:王无路,百姓倒挂。他常常想拨开乌云,看看晴朗的天空。好在明王仁慈的时候,他又可以安居乐业了。断:政府仁心度高,出外求财自由,买卖姻缘大好,从迷途中消失。

舌消,病痊,名好,家安。 36、分叉:地天太卦。三个好消息。 【泰文】,通泰也。万物和谐,于是就有了好消息的立体形象。大象:进入学识渊博的领域,三元和第一个骄傲的回来,从此,解忧烦闷,幸福地敲响了雷声。破:好消息,三元好运,求财大吉,多如意交易泽地萃卦婚姻,不分对错。婚姻成功,行人将至,失而复得,万物皆可利用。 37、叉圈圈圈圈圈:雷天大壮卦。 【大庄】,盛也。世事兴旺,故有俗师得木之象。大象:卦主有一棵大树,你应该走在你面前的路上。时代在顺风顺水,你可以有信心去做。停运:为富贵而买卖,婚姻和合伙都圆满,所有的希望都成功。出门吉大吉,远离舌尖,祛除百病,行人必来。 38、叉圈圈圈圈圈:泽天好卦。蜜蜂掉网了。 [善]有心者也。坚强而快乐,它有一只破网的流浪蜜蜂的形象。大象:进入蜘蛛网就像一个监狱,粘在蜜蜂翅膀的羽毛上。幸好大风吹过网,躲过了劫难,自由自在。断:游风喜下网,加财进财,财进财,外财可得内财,财荣得胜。 39、叉圈叉圈圈:水天需要卦。珍珠出海。 【需要】需要的人也必须时不时的动一动,于是就有了一颗璀璨的明珠出海的画面。大象:这颗璀璨的明珠早已深埋在大地之中,一直到现在都没有光,也没有光。顿时,大风将泥土吹走,自然而然地显露又重现。破:土中出明珠,官司散去,失散者应相见,交易成败。

求成功、求婚、求财、乐行。 40、叉圈,叉,叉:水土比卦。船风很好。 【对比】人,辅,互助之意,故有顺风顺水之意。象:顺风而行,船立檐,天助阵风,不必费力去,可向西、向东随意走。破:船风顺,不能停。无论你想去哪里,都可以重新开始,交易赚钱,赚取丰厚的利润。一切都希望成功。如果迷路了,可以找到,有理会见官,求婚名,恭喜你。李工八卦:41、圈叉圈圈叉圈:黎是火卦。上帝的祝福。 【礼】亦明,阴如阳,故有天官赐福之象。象:统治者来霸主,村农富贵,生意兴隆。结语:得财之人遇天官,必为人间带来财源广进,万事如意,忧愁消散,主平安,月令会好,万事如意,出门会看到欢乐,灾难和疾病都会消散。 42、圈叉圈圈叉:火山游卦。 【旅】半羁旅者也。它不能被拉伸,所以有一个正在筑巢的鸟在燃烧它的巢穴的图像。象:高巢树上飞鸟,小人一计烧巢,你自认倒霉,你所有的计划都是徒劳的。破:烧巢鸟运势低,交易随意走,生意不好,官司受骗。旅行辛苦,行人来来去去,迷路不认人,要钱也难。 43、圆叉圆圆叉:火风八卦。渔民获利。 [丁] 煮之物,是为养圣,故有渔夫受益之象。象:黄鹂使蛤蜊落在沙滩上,蛤蜊使英利双翅扇,鱼翁前行双利,迷路行人当日归来。

破:喻翁性喜发财,寻两轮财运,姻缘双喜。走出去有好处,交易可以,打官司还可以,生意兴隆。建造太旧了。 【未完成的事情】那些事情还没完成,水火不容。因此,就有了太岁的建筑形象。大象:你需要在每件事上更加小心。谨防偷营和移动村民。太岁杀人案多。 Break: Tai Sui has a lot of , don't force and , trade and are not good, lost don't show their faces, are not , are bad, and it's okay to be now. 45、 fork and fork: and . Kid money. [], the taste is also, and the taste is often , so there is an image of a money. Xiang: The Yao Xiang in the is a small waste, the luck of the is not high, the and are , and the work will . Duan: It is a small waste to for this , to seek and empty , a is , a is , a lot of , earn money , study , but be by . 46、 fork fork: Feng Shui Huan Gua. at gold the river. : the river to see an ingot of gold, I want to take the river wide and the water is deep, I hope that the is to get, and I think day and night in vain. : and silk are by a river, the bank is wide and the water is deep, and it is to feel the depth of the water. Only after a month can we make a good , so there is no need to think about it now. , , and trips are . 47、 fork fork: . The two fight. [] is to argue, and have to be for, so there is an image of two for the road. : It is to do with facts in mind. It seems that two are for the road, and the is vying for the first place. Who is to let the other take a step.

: The two are not to give up in the fight for the road, and they claim that the cost of each is , and the is also . The is , and , good are to , and it takes time to seek money. 48、 fork : fan . The fairy the way. [] is the same as , with the same heart and , so there is an image of the way. : I am when I have in my heart, I am of , I am to meet from the Ming to show me the way, all kinds of are by . Break: The the way to the , you to go west and east as you , and it is easy to trade and seek , and the . The is , the home, the lost can be seen, and the work is fine. Dui Gong : 49、 Fork fork : Ze Gua. Take of water and mud. [Duty] who is happy, and happy when . , there is an image of of water and mud. : This is , it feels to do , don’t miss this , feels free to you. Break: Take of the water and mud to be more even, and head out the door. It’s a good idea to trade , and you don’t need to look for lost . The , the is met with a good , the is in hand, and it is good luck. 50、Fork fork fork: . [] Those who are poor are also of self-. , there is an image of the and the rod. : It's sad that the don't come, the two to touch the bird, but they didn't get the rod, and they didn't want the rod to be moved. Duan: Today there is a who is to bully you, every means to with you, to say good , and the idea of ​​​​ the and the rod. Be a , not a , be in , do it , and be free from . 51、Fork ring fork fork: Zedi .

The carp turns into a . [] The one that rises and , and all , so there is an image of a carp into a . : in the water and being by the net, over the gate and into a , three-foot to the , ten peach show your . : The carp turns into a and the joy comes, the of the and the body is free from , the has from now on, the door of is and the door of is . The carp turns into a , there are many happy , you can get , and you will be . 52、 Fork fork: salty . . [Xian] to , the sense of and earth and the of all , so there is an image of and . : In the past, gold has lost its color, and now it is time to turn the moon. It's time for us to get ahead and relax. and in the past, today the buds are , and the is in the back, don't be even if you have words. : Walk with your feet on the , don’t force it if your luck doesn’t come, it works today, and there are good to come. , going out is , faith, and peace. 53、Fork, Fork, Fork: Water Race Gua. Rain and snow all the way. [] Those who are are also to move , is , so there is an image of rain and snow on the road. : It rains and snows all over the sky, and the on the road are and . Duan: It's and all the way, it's hard to make a deal, it's hard to get a , and it's hard to seek money. did not , the head was , the was , and the name was not . 54、Fork, , and fork: Qian Gua. The two share money. 【Qian】The one who is is also , and it does not hold merit, so there is an image of two gold. : God a pile of gold on the poor, fight nor two equal , each other gets the gold, and all are .


: The two share a lot of , hope for , seek and , talk about , and home for lost . A good , a good place to , and a are all . 55、Fork, , , fork: is a small cross. Hurry the . [Xiao Guo] is also Yang, Yang is too much Yin, so there is an image of a small in a hurry. : pass by the -plank , and their eyes are in a daze. I will make sure that you can pass by . It is not safe to take a slow step. Break: It is to walk on the -plank , the owner is , the be , and the not be . money to get hands on, the is , the is , and the is self-. 56、 Fork X : Lei Ze Gua. wood for fish. [] The girl is the son, and the yin and yang do not , so there is a the wood and the fish. : If you want fish, you must seek it in water. If you seek it on a tree, it will not work. It will be to your will after all the hard work. Duan: It is very to ask for a fish on the edge of the wood, it is not to have no after the fish, it takes a lot of to take risks, and do not work out. The month order is not good, are done down, there are more plans, and less . Sunda : 57、 fork fork: Xun is the wind . : A boat falls on the beach. When there is no water in the boat, it is to . When the river is full of heavy rain, there is no need to go back and forth. Duan: A boat can get out of the beach, and who go out can their homes. There is no with the right and wrong, and the and are very . The of the name, the of , the of the , and the of the . 58、 fork : . and no rain. [Small ] is based on yin and yang, which has qi but no , so there is an image of dense and no rain. : The are in a state of on dry days. Who would think that the and heavy rain will not be .

The up to the sky and . : Dense make it to rain, hope that will not , trade and are , and and are in vain. The month to be , calm for the time being, sick , and . 59、 fork fork : Feng Huo Gua. at in the . [] is a . Both and are not true, so there is an image of at in a . : A in the . It looks so good that it be . I you not to love it in the , and that not be by . : at in the , for money is , are slow to , and there is no news of lost . is not good, the is not cured, it is easy to seek fame, and it is not to seek . 60、 fork and fork : Gua. Dead wood . [], it is also , and , so there is an image of dead trees . : comes from time to time, the dead trees bloom again after many years, the and are and lush, a few have met and a few have . : The dead tree , the owner's is , the is , and the of the is . The is , the is , the lost can be found, and the joy is seen when you go out. 61、 fork : no and no . Bird cage. 【Wuwei】Those who have no . , there is an image of a bird in a cage. : Birds lost their and fell into their cages, even if they to fly, they 't. For now, it is only to abide by one's , and it is to Gao. : It is for a bird to stand out in a cage, the loses his when he it, and it is to make sure that he seeks and seeks money. Going out , is , is lost, is not . : is like from . food and in front of him. The fills the belly with joy, and the .

: When a a happy meal, he to his heart's , the is , and the makes a . the is , going out and joy, is , goes well. 63、 fork and fork : Shan Lei Yi Gua. Xian. [Yi] One is , and the mouth of food is self-, so there is an image of the sages. : the River alone, a screw rod in his hand and was very sad. From time to time, he was by King Wen, and he has never been since then. : King Wen Xian in the Weihe River, all his and were , his was going well, and he was out of his mind when he was sick. visit to the sages, great luck. this , good luck. 64、 fork fork: Wind Gu . Push and grind greed. [Gu] is bad. There is such a thing in the , so there is an image of and greed. Xiang: The Yao Xiang in the is like a mill. Good luck and , good and slow in heart, doing wrong from . : and greed, bad luck, , grief, in and , where you are lost. is , is , it is to see lost, and is to do. Books are the life of our time - books are great power - Lenin books are the of human - Gorky books are the of human - books are the house of human - Usins Books of - of the World - 's Books are the Most - Books of are the only that don't die - Books of Chut make of the - Books of The soul of the whole past - the of the is short and weak, the of the book is broad and far- - the can't live the book as if they are from the air - The book is not only life, but also the and the past. And the of life, Fayev's books lead us into the most , and the books of the great wise men of all ages are such tools to our souls. What human need is . And , it is this kind of ——Hugo


